Page 22 - Jeep Jamboree Ultimate Guide To Safe Common Sense Off-Roading
P. 22


        NAVIGATING HILLS                                     PREPARING FOR THE ASCENT
        Large rocks and deep mud are the first things to     •  Make sure to scout the hill’s crest by foot so you
        come to mind when thinking about harder trail          know exactly what’s on the other side.
        rides. People often forget about hills and they can   •  Lock your differentials. You’ll need all the traction
        be  even  more  daunting  than  you  expect  when      you can get.
        first tackling a trail. If you don’t feel confident that   •  Use the short run up to the slope as an
        you and your vehicle can make it up the hill, then     opportunity to gain extra momentum that may
        don’t try. Follow the numbers to conquer a hill.       be needed to clear the hill.

                                                  Slow or stop at the top.
           Ease up on the accelerator as you approach the crest of a hill to avoid launching   4
          your vehicle into orbit. But make sure you still have enough momentum to reach
         the top. At the top of the hill, come to a full stop so you can evaluate the descent.

               If your vehicle stalls, put it in reverse and back   3
           straight down the hill. Never try to turn around on a hill;
          it increases the likelihood of your vehicle rolling. If you have a
                 manual, see pages 14-15 on how to start from a stall.

          Keep a constant, steady acceleration.  2
         Choose the highest gear possible to generate
             the most torque without losing traction.

                   Point your vehicle   1
                  straight up the hill.
            Take the most direct route up.


          When going up a hill, shift up!

          Going down a hill?  Shift down!

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