Page 23 - Jeep Jamboree Ultimate Guide To Safe Common Sense Off-Roading
P. 23


                                                   5    Point your vehicle straight down the hill.

                                                           6    Maintain a slow, controlled speed.

                                                                7    Let the engine do most of the braking.
                                                                     Choose the lowest gear possible in both the transmission
                                                                     and the transfer case.

                                                                     8    With an automatic transmission, feather
                                                                          the brake to control the descent. Engine
                                                                          braking may be limited.

                                                                           9    With a manual transmission, avoid
                                                                                depressing the clutch. Keep your left
                                                                                foot on the floorboard to avoid the clutch all
                                                                                together. Engine braking doesn’t work when
                                                                                out of gear.

                                                                                10    If you start to slide, turn into the
                                                                                      slide as you would on snow or ice. If
                                                                                      counter steering is not enough, apply
                                                                                      a little throttle to help straighten out
                                                                                      the vehicle.

                                                                TRAIL GUIDE TIP
                                                                Scout the terrain ahead of time. It will help you avoid many of the
                                                                surprises and give you a better idea of what you’re up against.

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