Page 42 - Jeep Jamboree Ultimate Guide To Safe Common Sense Off-Roading
P. 42
Steering Column Tow Hitch
The shaft that connects the steering wheel to the Device such as a tow ball attached to the chassis
rest of the steering mechanism. of a vehicle for towing.
Straddling Tow Strap
Keeping your wheels on both sides of ruts or A piece of recovery gear used to pull loose a stuck
gullies as you drive. vehicle.
Suspension Traction
A system of springs and shock absorbers that The tire’s ability to grip surfaces.
cushion a vehicle from road conditions, including a
system to smooth out bumps, keep tires touching Traction Control
the road and control vehicle stability. A system designed to prevent loss of traction by
keeping the vehicle moving forward by alerting
SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle) the computer to brake as necessary in order to
A vehicle with off-road features like raised ground keep the wheels from spinning and losing traction.
clearance and ruggedness, and available four- It may have a simple on/off switch or come with
wheel drive. Many SUVs are built on a light-truck multiple settings.
chassis but operated as family vehicles, and
though designed to be used on rougher surfaces, Trail
most often used on city streets or highways. Unsurfaced roads or tracks other than paved roads
and maintained dirt roads that can include sand,
Synthetic Rope gravel, riverbeds, mud, snow, rocks, and other
While it’s susceptible to chafe, this industry natural terrain.
standard has a much higher breaking point and is
safer than traditional steel cable. Trail Ratings
To help drivers choose the right trail for their
Terrain abilities, Jeep Jamboree USA labels many trails
The physical features of a specific stretch of land. with a number and colored shape to distinguish
how challenging they’re likely to be.
Three-Point Turn
Turn a vehicle around in a tight space by moving Transfer Case
forward, backward and forward again. Transfers power from the driveshaft to the front
and rear axles.
A device controlling the flow of fuel or power to Transmission
the engine. Transfers power from the engine to the wheels.
An automatic transmission changes gears without
Tire Pressure driver input. A manual transmission allows the
The amount of air inside a tire. Affects the driver to control shifting.
performance of your vehicle.
Transmission Wind-Up
Torque The stress or torque created in the components of
The rotating force created by the engine’s a vehicle when it is placed in four-wheel drive and
crankshaft. An engine with higher torque is better driven around corners.
suited for climbing and crawling over obstacles.